My Spiritual Journey: What I have learned
Over the years I have learned much about Yah (God)
I have been a practicing Nazarene for 1.5 years. But my story goes way back.
I was baptised a Catholic when I was about age 8, my family was all Catholic, some practicing and some not. By age 18 I had realised that I needed God in my life.
Although I went to Catholic primary and secondary schools, I never developed a fascination with God until I got a bit older.
When I was 18 I started to soul search and my search continued until something really bad happened. I lost my Mum at age 19. It was a sudden death and it shook me to the core.
I couldn’t understand why God took my mother at a young age. This question baffled me so I started to dig.
I dug and I dug. But God was about to intervene, I met a man around this time and he started taking me to church. Soon after I converted to a pentecostal Christian and gave my heart to God.
Within about 12 months my relationship broke up but I continued on my faith. I was determined. Although not religiously attending church, I had faith that God would continue to make a way for me.
Around 2016 at the age of 32 after much heartache and pain. I found the Hebrew Israelite movement. Prior to this, I had lost my partner, my business all my savings, house, and car because I was diagnosed with a mental illness. This time was very painful and I was quite vulnerable.
So when it came to receiving a message from God I was open because I had hit rock bottom and lost it all, I thought how much worse could it get?
I was unwell mentally, and I was looking for something to hold onto. My faith was what kept me going during these hard times. The small still voice always said to me “keep going on Allinta, you will be ok, I have you in my arms.”
Around this time I was starting to realise just how messed up the world was. Satanic worship was openly practised by people in the media etc, there were a lot of wars going on in the world, and the global elite were trying to push their agenda.
I had so many questions about myself, others, and the world. I was looking to have my questions answered. So when I found the Hebrew Israelite movement I felt like I had come home because I had realised that the Christian church I was in had many holes in its doctrines.
The prosperity teachings were leaving a lot of people out in the cold and I saw many Pastors and leaders getting rich, whilst the congregation stayed poor. Also, there were many sicknesses that weren’t being healed or prayed for.
So I committed myself this new movement and I studied what I could so I could learn more about myself, others, and of course my creator. As I wasn’t an Israelite by blood I was considered as one who is ‘grafted in.’ Soon I realised that there wasn’t really a place for me in the movement because unfortunately, I had a white Father. I do not to this day hold any animosity towards my Hebrew Israelite brothers and sister, it just wasn’t for me.
So I began looking again, and then I found the Nazarenes. These were a set of people who lived a set-apart lifestyle and adhered to the bible and its teachings. I found them to be friendly and open. Soon I realised that this was the place to be. I made friends easily and I started to study the bible in more depth.
There was no prerequisite to become a Nazarene just an openness and a willingness to study scripture. Today this is still where I hang my hat.
Although I haven’t been healed yet as of writing this. I have faith my time is coming. I believe with all my heart that Yahuah will deliver me at the right time.
So….you are probably wondering why I told my story. I just wanted to tell you my story about me so you understand the background, and so you can see I am like you a real person, going through many ups and downs.
The one thing that I feel that always led me through my journey over the last 19 years was the Ruach HaKodesh (holy spirit).
Whenever I felt lost, lonely, or close to giving up the small still voice inside me would give me instructions. Or a friend would nudge me in the right direction. The ruach works through others often time to deliver vital messages to you.
So here is my advice to you if you are seeking Yah (God):
- always pray, morning noon and night, prayer opens up lines of communication between you and Yah it is important to be in his presence as much as you can, the ruach ha’kodesh (holy spirit) will deliver insights and understandings which will strengthen your walk — 1 Thess 5:16–18, Joshua 1:8
- read and study biblical languages in particular Hebrew, to gain a better understanding of the bible and the context it is written in, also explore ancient history so you can gain wisdom — Colossians 3:17, Romans 15:4
- always develop the skill of critical thinking, wisdom is found when you study things in detail, so I encourage you to dig deep and find the truth behind things, this is both biblical and also worldly — Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 10:5, 2 Timothy 2:7
- associate with God fearing folk at all times, friends can encourage you when you are down and help you on your journey by pushing you in the right direction — Proverbs 17:17, Galatians 6:2, Eccles 4:19–12
- pay attention to your physical, emotional, psychological health as well as spiritual so you have more balance in your life and so your spiritual journey is enhanced, Proverbs 17:22, 1 Corinthians 6:19–20
- walk the talk as well, so do things for others, volunteer if you can, give financially or help family and friend’s when they are in need — Hebrews 13:16, John 15:12, Matthew 5:42
Those are just some of my suggestions to help you in your spiritual journey. At all times seek Yahuah (God) with all your strength and might. You will be rewarded for your obedience, and you will also be encouraged in times of peril.
I pray this story has inspired you and you find comfort in the scriptures I have mentioned above. Yahuah wants us to lift up our fellow man and help one another and so it is my desire to write articles that encourage people and inspire them to seek the truth for themselves.
May wisdom prevail. Continue to seek and enquire and you will be abundantly blessed, my brothers and sisters.